Saturday, February 08, 2025


Board of Studies List

S.No. Subject Name Chairperson Contact Number
1 Applied Nutrition and Public Health Dr. M. Ramachander Goud, MGU 9989427725
2 Arabic Prof. Syeda Talath Sultana, OU 9908848089
3 Botony Dr. K. Madhuri, MGU 9000595973
4 Zoology Dr. M. Thirumala, MGU 9490705105
5 Chemistry Dr. D. Ramesh, MGU 8186025800
6 Commerce Dr. K. Sridevi, MGU 9490807300
7 Computer Science (Engg & MCA) Prof. R. Rekha, MGU 9490232651
8 Computer Science (UG & PG) Prof. R. Rekha, MGU 9490232651
9 Economics Dr. K. Anji Reddy, MGU 9885939289
10 Education Dr. B. Sujatha, OU
11 English Prof. KM. Praveena, OU 9346513961
12 Electronics & Communication Engg. (ECE) Prof. P. Chandrashekar, OU 9866695963
13 Electrical & Electronics Engineering(EEE) Prof. G. Mallesham, OU 9502133334
14 Geology Prof. I Panduranga Reddy, OU 9885622266
15 Hindi Dr. Sitaram Rathod, NG College, NLG 9490411494
16 History Prof. K. Arjun Rao, OU 9849415593
17 Law Dr. N. Venkateshwarlu, OU 9441460100
18 Microbiology Dr. T. Siva Ram, MGU 9032694559
19 Managemant Studies Dr. M Ramesh kumar, MGU 9849635938
20 Mathematics & Statistics Dr. G. Upender Reddy, MGU 9440210856
21 Telugu & Oriental Languages Prof. S. Surya Dhanunjalah, OU 9849104187
22 Physical Education Prof. Rajesh Kumar, OU 9885911520
23 Physics & Electronics Prof. D. Karuna Sagar,OU 9866145020
24 Political Science Prof. Ch. Venkateshwarlu, OU
25 Public Administration Dr. P Shailaja, TSWRDCW 9490181227
26 Social Work Dr. T Sridhar, OU 9000007363
27 Urdu Dr. Mohammaed. Jafer, S.U 9848269929
28 Data Science Dr.N. Ch. Bhatracharyulu, OU 040-24053792
29 Geography Prof. B. Srinagesh, OU 9849269355
30 Psychology Prof. N. Janardhan Reddy, BRAOU 9515796206
31 Biotechnology Dr.K. Prem Sagar, MGU 8500275976
32 Biochemistry Dr.M. Ramchander Goud, MGU 9989427725