Saturday, February 22, 2025


Established in 2015, the library shifted to the present building that was inaugurated by Shri. Kadiyam Srihari, Deputy Chief Minister and Minster for Education of Telangana State on 12th February, 2017. The library building is situated in a peaceful area in diagonal shape in university campus covering a floor area of 27600 sq.ft(2566.3 sqm). Initially the library is established in different colleges as Arts college library and Science college library. It was established by the merger of these two libraries at present building. The University Library serves the library system to four University Colleges in the campus.

The Library holds nearly 39000 books of collection and it subscribed 55 National and International journals. The library caters to the needs of Under-graduate, Post-Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty Members, and other employees of the university who are enrolled as members of the library.

It provides reference, selective dissemination of information, documentation and bibliographical assistance to its users. The library brings out a monthly list of additions and conducts Book Exhibitions to celebrate appropriate occasions such as National Library Week, Literacy Day etc.

A competitive Examinations Reference Section has recently been added to the library to cater to the needs of the candidates preparing for various competitive examinations. The library is divided into a number of sections basing on the collection and services offered. They are Text Book Section, Journals & Periodicals Section, Reference Section, Processing Section, Newspapers Section, Back volumes, Dissertations & Thesis Section. Separate reading area is allocated to the physically disabled persons and a conference hall is also available with 300 seating capacity to conduct seminars and conferences.

The library is kept open from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on all working days.

  • Ordering
  • Technical
  • Stacks
  • Reference
  • Journals & Periodicals
  • Computer/Internet
  • Back volumes/Dissertations/Thesis
  • CERL (Competitive Examinations Reference Library)
  • Newspapers

  • Lending
  • Reference
  • DRC (Internet Facility)
  • E-resources
  • ILL (Inter Library Loan)
  • Referral Service

University Library Volumes Information

S.No. Department Name Titles No. of Volumes
1 Commerce & Business Mngt. 2489 10277
2 M.S.W 581 1049
3 English 1772 3099
4 Economics 292 971
5 Physics 233 692
6 Geology 109 593
7 Chemistry 282 1017
8 BioChemistry 160 753
9 BioTechnology 229 789
10 Informatics 750 2860
11 Mathematics 574 2176
12 IPC 303 1527
13 CSE 58 1366
14 ECE 68 1250
15 EEE 103 1200
16 Genaral 711 1386

DRC/Internet :

The University Library has the facility of Digital Resource Centre with the capacity of 15 computer networks and Internet facility.