Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Department of Chemistry

Prof. M. Vasantha

M.Sc., Ph.D

Prof. Mittapelli Vasanthahas completed her M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) and Ph.D in Chemistry from Osmania University. She is the recipient of JRF and SRF from University Grants Commission to pursue the Ph.D. Her research area is Bioactive Nitrogen Heterocycles, Biofuels and Nanochemistry.

She joined the Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda as Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry. She served as i) Head, Department of Chemistry, ii) Head, Department of Chemistry & Pharmaceutical Sciences, iii) Dean, College Development Council, iv) Principal, University College of Science & Informatics, v) Chairperson, Board of Studies in department of chemistry and vi) Director, Academic Audit Cell at Mahatma Gandhi University.

Prior to her academic career in MGU, she worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, P.G. Section, N.B. Science College, Hyderabad. She also worked as R&D Executive to Senior Manager (R&D) in Mylan Laboratories Limited, Hyderabad.

Dr. Vasantha has more than 22years of research and more than 14 years of teaching experience to her credit. She has investigated one Major Research Project as CO-PI funded by DBT and one minor projectas CO-PI funded by DST. She has published 27 research papers in peer-reviewed journals of international/national repute and one Book Chapter. She has organized eight seminars/conferences. She also participated and presented research papers in International/ National conferencesand workshops. She also acted as resource person in many conferences.

She is (i) Associate Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences, 2016, (ii) Editorial Board Member, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and (iii) Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Chemical Concepts and International Journal of Techno Chemistry Research and iv) reviewer of many reputed international journals.

Area of Specialization:

Prof. Annapoorna R S Butti

M.Sc., Ph.d., Postdoc

Prof. Annapoorna R.Sapuri Butti is an Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry. Other positions held at University: Head of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Vice-Principal, University College of Engineering Technology; Principal, University College of Science & Informatics; Director of SC/ST Cell (for two terms); Director of PH cell; Head of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry; Chairperson, Board of studies of Department of Chemistry; Chairperson, Women Protection Cell (for two terms); Principal, University College of Science (at present). She passed her M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry in 1994 with first divisionfrom Department of Chemistry, UCS, Osmania University, Hyderabad.She obtained UGC, JRF and SRF fellowship in 1994 for pursuing Ph.D.She successfully completed her Ph.D. in Chemistry in December 1999 from Department of Chemistry, UCS, Osmania University, Hyderabad. She obtained DAAD fellowship in 2000. She has total23years(post Ph.D) Research experience of which 8 years of Post-Doctoral Research experience as Postdoctoral Research Associate and Project Scientist at renowned Universities in USA [University of Washington,Seattle(2000); University of California, Berkeley (2001 to 2003);University of California,Davis(2003 to 2007) and Purdue University/University of Cinnicinati) (2007-2008)] and 13 years of teaching 3years at GNIT (2009-2012) and 10 year at MGU (2012 to till date). She has 18 international publications in Scopus listed journals and 4 national publications and one US patent to her credit. She has presented her papers in 19 international conferences and 2 national conferences. She has participated and attended several Seminars, workshops and FDP programs. She was instrumental in conducting several national seminars in the University.She is a member of Royal Chemical Society and Life Member of The Indian Science Congress Association. Her Research interests are in field of Biophysical chemistry, Kinetics and Soft Condensed Matter. She obtained funding for Major research project from Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi in 2013 and successfully completed the project.

Area of Specialization:

Dr. Y. Prashanthi

Asst. Professor
M.Sc., Ph.d., Postdoc

I’m Dr. Y.Prashanthi, Asst.Professor, Chairperson, Board of Studies, Dept. of Chemistry, University College of Science, Mahatma Gandhi University, and Nalgonda. I completed Ph.D from Osmania University and Postdoc from Taiwan. I have research experience from Osmania University and Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad and AISIN-COSMOS, IICT in Japan Collaborated Project. My teaching includes the core subjectof Inorganic Chemistry and also experience in teaching of Analytical Chemistry and Material science. I have held administrative positions as aCDC, Coordinator, UGC Coordinator, Institutional Coordinator, RUSA, IQAC & NAAC member, Assistant Director, Academic Audit Cell, Head of the Department, Joint Secretary, University Alumni Association, Director, Placement Cell, MGU&Chairperson, Board of Studies, Dept. of Chemistry.

My research includes the areas of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Nanoscience& Nanotechnology. I have presented my research work at 40 National & International Conferences. I visited Singapore and USA to present my research articles. I organize conferences, seminars, and science education programmes for staff and students in Schools, Colleges and Universities as a District Coordinator and Associate Fellow of the Telangana Academy of Sciences (TAS) and in association with Royal Society of Chemistry &Indian Science Congress Association, Hyderabad. I have authored more than 40 articles for prestigious National and International journals in addition to 04 books& 02 patents.

I have been on the Editorial board member and also as a reviewer for various National & International journals. I am currently working on a project& consultantwith pharma companies and guiding project students & Ph.D students in the area of Nanoscience, Bio-inorganic Chemistry & Analytical Chemistry. I have provided employment opportunities to more than 1000 students in a various companies and organizations.

Area of Specialization:


Asst. Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D

He has 20 years of teaching experience and 6 years of industrial experience. He has published 32 Publications in the National & International Journals. He has authored for 4-Books and 4-Patents. One C.S.I.R. (J.R.F.) Student has Awarded Ph.D. Degree on 19-08-2019 under his Supervision from Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda and Four (4) Research Scholars are working at Present.He has completed One (1) Major Research Project as Co-Project Investigator (Co-P.I.) from D.B.T, Ministry of Sciences & Technology, New Delhi. He served in Various Administrative Responsibilities at M.G.U.

Area of Specialization:


Asst. Professor
M.Sc., Ph.d.,

Dr. R. Roopa, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry &Pharma.Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda. Shedid her M.Sc., Ph. D. from Osmania University, Hyderabad. She has 29 years of Teaching Experience. She has good knowledge in almost topics of the M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) Course.She has been visited several institutions as Resources Person.

She has 12 national and international papers in various journals. She has Research Experience of 18 years. At present six Research Scholars are working under her for their Ph.D. Program in the field of heterocyclic chemistry.

She has organized and attended the national Seminars and Conferences in Chemistry.

She served in various administrative posts in Mahatma Gandhi University as Warden for Hostels, Vice-Principal for Hostels, Academic Coordinator for M.Sc. 5yr Integrated course. Presently working as Co-ordinator, College Development Cell (CDC).

Area of Specialization:


Assistant Professor
M.Sc., Ph.d.,

Dr. Mandala.Jyothi joined Mahatma Gandhi University in 2012 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry. She has been teaching chemistry to post-graduate students and has been undertaking research independently in organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry. An alumnus of the Department of Chemistry,kakatiya University , Warangal (India) for an M. Sc. (chemistry) degree. She has done her Ph.D atKakatiyauniversity in 2011. She has 20 publications in various national and international journals.

Area of Interest:

  • Green Chemistry
  • Synthetic organic chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry

Dr. S. Kalyani

Asst. Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D

Dr. S. Kalyani joined Mahatma Gandhi University in 2012 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry. She has been teaching chemistry to post-graduate students and has been undertaking research independently in organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry. An alumnus of the School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad (India) for an M. Sc. (chemistry) degree. She joined Dr. Haribabu’s group at the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, for her doctoral degree (2007). She has 12 publications in various national and international journals.


  • Senior Research associate (April 2006 - 2008): GVK Biosciences, Uppal, Hyderabad
  • Associate Scientist (2008-2009): GVK Biosciences, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
  • Scientist (2009 – May 2012): GVK Biosciences, Nacharam, Hyderabad
  • Assistant Professor (May 2012 – till date): Mahatma Gandhi University , Nalgonda, Telangana

Area of Interest:

  • Carbohydrate Chemistry
  • Heterocyclic Chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry

Mr.D.Ravinder Reddy

Assistant Professor (Contract)
M.Sc., NET (Ph.D)

Mr. Danda Ravinder Reddy is a faculty member in the department of Chemistry. He did his in kakatiya University with physical chemistry specialization in the year of 2007, Warangal. He has qualified NET (national eligibility test) conducted by CSIR-UGC. He has 7years of teaching experience at MGU ( 2009-till date) . He has published three international Publications in reputed journals and he has attended 7 national and international conferences/seminars.

Area of Specialization:

Dr.A.Sridhar Rao

Assistant Professor (Contract)
M.Sc., Ph.d., Postdoc

Dr. SR Ayinampudi born in the year 1977 at Chittaloor, Telangana, complete his primary to degree education at Miryalguda, Telangana, M. Sc (Organic Chemistry) at Bikanur, Nizamabad under Osmania University later join for Ph.Dprogramme at IICT, Hyderabad, India. Finally, gain experience as Post-Doctoral Associate at University of Mississippi, USA.

Dr. SR Ayinampudi presently working as Asst. Professor © at Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda. He has credited National and international peer reviewed publications, published books and book chapters and attended for international seminars.

Research Interest: Isolation and structural elucidation of Natural Products, synthetic methodologies and Medicinal chemistry with lead natural products.

Area of Specialization:

  • Organic chemistry, pharmacognosy


Assistant Professor (Contract)
M.Sc.,AP-SET (2012) (Ph.D)

MrAmarender K. Assistant Professor(C), Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi University. He Completed His School education from S.V High School, Nalgonda, Telangana, Graduation [B.Sc. (BZC)] from NG College Nalgonda. M.Sc. Chemistry in the Specialisation of Inorganic Chemistry from Osmania University in the year of 2006. He Qualified AP-SET and Pursuing his Ph.D.from Osmania University under the supervision of Dr. M. Radhika.

He has 16 years of Teaching Experience in Core and Applied Topics in Inorganic Chemistry to M.Sc. students.

Area of Specialization:

Dr. Atthapu Thirupathaiah

Assistant Professor (Contract)
D.Pharm., M.Tech, Ph.D

AssistantProfessor@c,-senior level -Govt budgeted course IPC-(integrated pharmaceutical chemistry-MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY,Nalgonda)with my specialised area of research in UG and PG level, Ph.D in PHARMACEUTICS(Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology).


Ph.D skills on (QC AND QA, TABLET FORMULATION DESIGN, CLINICAL RESEARCH, BIO ANALYTICAL ,IPR DRAFTING SKILLS ,REGULATORY AFFAIRS ,in-vitro and in-vivo ,pharmacokinetic STUDIES ,drug design,experimentaldesignon animal,clinical evaluation trails as per cpcsea ethical rules govt.of.india trained professional )

My process of selection, recruitment through proper channel of first,Honorable Registrar of Mahatma Gandhi University-Nalgonda with eligible entry qualification , M.TECH (UGC ENTRY ELIGIBILITY QUALIFICATION FOR SCALE PAY ).and assigned work load more than 16 hours per week as perugc guidelines for integrated pharmaceutical chemistry since 3rdsep 2010 onwards to till datewith full time dedicati

My selection was done with universityprocedure as per UGC REGULATIONS standards by Registrar of mahatma Gandhi university-Nalgondanotified panel against sanction posts course programme 5 year course pharmaceutical chemistry notified in national news papers like deccan chronicle and eenadu and local news papersby Registrar of Mahatma Gandhi university ,Nalgonda.

Presently senior entry qualified salary claimer based on entry eligibility qualification and work experience , contributed for integrated pharmaceutical chemistry with ugc and university prescribed qualifications mentioned in advertisement recruitment notification.

I am appointed by university internal chosen procedure policy rules and appointment was given by university officials ,based on university required assignment referred to principal, and assigned workload based on expert skills in under graduated degree and post graduate degree and PhD studied syllabus skills and attended workshops modules and skills helped me to meet 5-year integrated pharmaceutical chemistry programme curriculum.and workload as evidenced by time tables of ipc course ,allotted by course coodinator in 2010sep 3 onwards.

Presently I am working 5 year duration integrated pharmaceutical chemistry programme since 3rd Sep 2010 onwards to till date and experience having above 12 years 3 months in service for integrated pharmaceutical chemistry.

This course was introduced first time in INDIA , introduced by mg university and APSCH(now renamed TELANGANA STATE COUNCIL OF HIGHER EDUCATIONL,INNOVATIVE COURSE CURRICULUM POLICY 2007 BY govt of AP and central govt scheme and with nomenclature of title (programme 5 yr integrated IPC –M.SC ) POST GRADUATE level course inindia based on govt. of India under 11 th planning commission and apex body of ugc regulations of integrated courses.

5 year ipc course relevant to industry and research career oriented opportunity in firms like life science industry ( pharmaceutical and bio technological and chemical –Industry practised experimental practical included modules, relevant to inter disciplinary and multi-disciplinary level subjects curriculum.

I am achieved while teaching this course so many patents, national and international patent grantee and peer reviewed journal editor.varoius panel member within in university .and other universities in india .and internal board of studies member in integrated pharmaceutical chemistry in university,prepared practical manuals and authored books for innovative curriculum of integrated pharmaceutical chemistry and other university curriculums,resource person for ugchrdccenters and ipcpharmacovigilancegovt of india.

Area of Specialization:

Dr. Shankara Chary J

Assistant Professor (Contract)
M.Sc., Ph.D, AP SET (2012)

Dr. Shankara Chary J. Assistant Professor(C), Department of Chemistry, Mahatma Gandhi University. He Completed His School education from Z.P.H.S. Madgulapally, Telangana, Graduation [B.Sc. (MCCs)] from Osmania University, M.Sc. Chemistry in the Specialisation of Physical Chemistry from Osmania University in the year of 2006. He Qualified AP-SET and Awarded his Ph.D. From Osmania University under the supervision of Prof. M .AnandRao.

He has 18 years of Teaching Experience in Core and Applied Topics in Physical Chemistry to M.Sc. and B. Tech students. He has published 3 peer reviewed International Journals. He presented his research work in various National and international Conferences.

Area of Specialization:

  • Physical Chemistry


Assistant Professor (Contract)
M.Sc., (Ph.D)

Mrs. D. Abhilasha is a faculty member of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. She completed her M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 2006, from, Osmania University College for Women, Koti, Hyderabad. She has 3 years of Industrial experience in Quality Assurance (Regulatory affairs) and 4 years of teaching experience at MGU. Worked as N.S.S Programme officer at M.G.U.

Area of Specialization: